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Clubs - Add your Project



Originally there was going to be a separate application, similar to the RGSS Scripts section, for showing off your projects. However since I started developing a clubs system which is mainly is going to be used to coordinate team projects, I thought I may as well add the functionality to display and present the project you're working on. This also allows clubs to be made for any and all projects.


When you create your club you may click the 'Project Settings' button which will take you to the following form:


As you can see every form element comes with its own switch, which are very nicely animated when you click them. So you can turn and off anything you don't want to show up on the clubs homepage, or just leave it blank.


After submitting the form, the projects module will appear on the club homepage:


NOTE: This is not the final design, this is demonstrating how the system works


I left the little announcements box down below there on purpose. It has not been developed yet but you can switch around the modules so you can have either your announcements first, or your project, or any other module in that column.


I'd love to go into the coding with this because its quite innovative, actually uses regex to display the content and even to generate the forms, but I guess I can leave that stuff out :P


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Thanks for all the comments :) I'm glad this got so many. A club is actually like a little website, at least that is the idea behind it at the moment. So far I'm keeping you guys up to date with it.


Only guests (of the club) will see the homepage. But club members will have access to their own chat, forum and team management/organization page (which was the main purpose of the application to begin with).


After coming close to completing adding the project details, the club owner will be faced with 4 different pages: General details, characters, screenshots and a demo upload. The uploading systems will need to be kind of complicated and so need their own sections.



I will post a completed project module once I'm finished with it. So far it is all down apart from screenies and the demo download

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