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Yay Blogssszz



Yay, I just discovered that RMXPU has blogs! And of course I decided to make one :P

Anyways, I will mostly be posting development on my current main project--Which is currently untitled. I've been playing around with a few ideas for a name, but the story is still somewhat early in development so I will leave it untitled for now. This project is mostly to get help me learn all the ins & outs of RMXP and Ruby. I actually have a few projects that I am kind of working on at the same time, but this will be my main one for now. I guess this blog is kind of late in terms of how far into development I am, so I should probably get it up to speed. Right now, I am mostly working on scripting/graphics, and once I get all the base systems coded I can move on.

I have completed the menu so far; And right now I am working on the battle system. The battle system will mostly be just a reworking of the default system, with animated battlers (probably just the characters, not enemies) and with a few tidbits thrown in.


It's a fairly standard RPG, the main changes that may make it different are:


Instead of paying for items with money, you collect materials from enemies which are then traded with local traders for items and equipment.


Universal Spirit Action System

Yea I know, I tried to make a cool sounding name, but it ended up being lame lol :P

Anyways, this is the lame name for the skill system, all skills are shared between each character (there are only 3 playable characters in the game) Essentially how it works is that you get a Spirit Board (or grid may make more sense) and at the center are your level 0 actions (attack, guard and focus (which restores FP- focus points(essentially SP or AP or MP)) and these actions increase your parties "Spirit Gauge") Then it works like a graph going out from the center (on x/y axis) level 1, 2, 3. Every other point on the grid represents a certain action, and its level is found by adding its x/y point, so the outside corners would be level 6. Each skill requires FP and the spirit gauge to be at a certain percentage, and it obviously drains the spirit gauge. At the end of each battle you get a little bit of AP which you can spend on skills, and learning a skill unlocks the next level skills from that location. here is a rough diagram:


Then after learning skills, you can equip them to any player to use in battle; so you get to set up each character how you want to!


And without further adieu here is the menu(please note: a lot of data, like names,etc is placeholder):


Here is the main menu



Items! LOL totally just saw the terrible spelling/grammar in the info bar



Skill equip menu



Here is the actual spirit board menu





This is pretty much what I have at the moment. I am early in development for the battle system, and really only have the windows setup and the result screen(which isn't even the barebones yet lol) right now I am working on getting the animated battlers set up, and then will have some screenshots :)


If anyone reads this, please feel free to comment/criticize! I know I don't have much to work with just yet, but any feedback would be nice :)


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Thanks man :)

I kinda have a general story laid out but I need to decide how I am going to present it first, It deals with a lot of archetypes, and I don't want to reveal too much about it and don't want to make it seem too simple at the same time.

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