New stuffz
Hahaha :sweatdrop: go figure that as soon as I start a blog on my game's development a take a minor break XD
Well, it won't be for too long. I have taken a break to finish a XMB style menu system for anyone to use in their game. (In case you're unsure XMB stands for Xross Media Bar, which is used by PSP/ in other words it's just a nerdy way of saying "PSP style menu" I am nerdy by nature, what can I say?)
Any who in case anyone is following I do have one thing new to post about my game :P
"What is it that seperates man from beast?
If one might say dreams, than I believe they are sorely mistaken. I could've been anything, anyone.
So why did I choose myself...this self...
I think it's about time.
Wake up...this is only but a dream."
--Atlus, The Collective Self
"The Collective Self" if going to be the working title for now. It may change, it may not. Either way at least I have something to call it now!
And here's a little sneak peek of the XMB menu :)
I still have a LONG LONG way to go, (none of the menu options do anything yet) but, It the base is functional and if I did everything correctly, the menu objects should be pretty usable amongst other scripts...if I am right, I plan on creating a shop script to go along with the menu.
THEN once this is finished (whenever that may be) I will be getting down to write my battle system :) (which I have also come to the conclusion to scrap my original idea for battles, and write a new one from scratch. I have a easier time writing from scratch then modifying RMXP's scripts for some reason..less messy I guess)
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