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Tutorials Concept



So how do you make a tutorials component? There aren't exactly any defined parts of information you can lob into a bunch of textfields.


Here's one way you can do it. You have one type of element that you can too your page - a step. You can add unlimited steps, set the order of each step. Further you have a series of elements attached to each step -> Body of text, images, downloads, videos etc.


This makes it really easy to make a tutorial. You can instantly see what your tutorial looks like, insert extra steps etc.


Here's some previews. There is not CSS - its just code:




Just showing you guys before I give up on this too :D


Recommended Comments

THis is a really cool idea! I think you should finish this, it could standardize tutorials and thus probably make it much easier for people to learn different things!

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@someoneyouknow: thank you :) Haha it looks a wee bit different now. I couldnt stand the form styles so I changed them, but no other designs have been made


@Pol: I hope so... but I'm way behind in my studies and when i get some free time I have opened up this. So far its going pretty well and I'm suprised how easy and quickly I was able to throw it together.


But I had some big ideas which i wish i had to time to fulfill....

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