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Not too much



I know this isn't really an update or anything new, however I *think* I have finished my party follow system, bug-free :)




It took a while to get the character refreshing to work properly, as I use 3 different character sets for each character (walk, run and standing) Although I could probably make the character sets have all the graphics compiled then just change the script around to read the character sets that way...hmm.....


Anywho, now its time to get back to galaga. if I do something (that doesn't work properly) for some reason its hard to stop until i get it working :/


NOTE: I don't plan to release this system, however if any one likes it, and would like me to get it release-worthy, I will release it. Just comment here or PM me.


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Well, actually; it isn't specifically a bug...I had to script a check for if the follower is too far behind (as that would only mean their stuck on an impassable) and if they are then I turn their "through" attribute on so they can walk to the leader. Right now the distance is set to 4 tiles, I may need to tweak this a little, as 4 tiles is probably a little soon (considering while running the follower keeps 3 tiles between them and the leader)


But thats the main reason I scribbled a bunch of water tiles around (to test the follower's getting stuck)

I probably could've done path finding, but this way was much easier (just comparing x and y coordinates and moving accordingly) and I kind this kind of following is a little more realistic (rather than following the exact steps)


But thanks :) If you've seen my original caterpillar video then you probably noticed I fixed it up quite a bit. It's simple, and doesn't provide really any functionality, but I dunno I really like it for some reason :)

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