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What is it all about?

Jon Bon


Merlin The RPG is a 16 bit style role-playing game based around the British Broadcasting Channel(BBC) television series Merlin aka The Adventures of Merlin.


With a side view, turn based battle system Merlin The RPG has a classic Final Fantasy feel to it.


The game is being made into 'Books' which will each represent the different seasons of the show. It will be released in 'Chapters' which will each represent the different episodes of the seasons.



This being the first blog for Merlin The RPG, I will give a brief non specific list of what is complete for the creation of the game so far.


-Main cast sprites

-Main maps, excluding inside of camelot castle

-Spells and classes

-Simple Eventing(doors and warps)


My intent is to first create a 'Merlin The RPG Kit' which will enable anyone with RMXP to make an rpg in the theme of BBC's Merlin. Once the kit is finished I then intend to use it to make atleast the first 3 episodes(chapters) before releasing the kit to the public.


-Jon Bon


Recommended Comments

I have never seen the show but this sounds pretty cool :alright: I would like to check this when it is released.

also the idea of starter kits always excites me. I think the rmxp community needs more a variety of kits.

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Hey thanks alot I appreciate the kind words. If you have never seen the show you should check it out. I had seen it in passing but always found it thick and un watchable, finally me and the missus decided it was high time to check this show out. Starting at episode one I was enthralled, and still am, have seen the first season sooo many times while making this hehe.


Cheers and thanks for the comment.


If you are canadian you can watch merlin on space.ca not all the episode but atleast one to get a taste.

If you like fantasy and want a new take on the arthurian legend, then you should definitely check it out!

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