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Merlin Official Website

Jon Bon


As I was looking around RMXP Unlimited I found a link to someones game page that was created on a free website making site and I loved the design. I checked free site out and decided to use it as well for the Merlin The RPGs official website. So that is now created link here and 90% of the site itself is complete (based on currently available information).


While working on the site I gained a better idea on what I was able to create myself and gave an attempt to and successfully created quite a few sprites I did not previously have made. With that said, I believe I have 95%+ of the content created that I myself am able to create to have the kit itself ready. (IE, sprites and pixel work)


After realizing this I went back to my checklists and started getting the reference pictures I needed for the work I plan to out source to talent found on RMXPU.After doing that, I have 90% or so of the reference pictures I need so that I may show the concepts for sprites I need creating.


All that is left is to gain a better idea of exactly what scripts I need and include that information as well to the recruitment post. I have started in part collecting information on what scripts I need, however I still need to research and see if any of the ones I know exist are currently available.


In the end its been an extremely productive week, and I hope to see some topic posts on RMPXU by the start or end of this up coming weekend.


-Jon Bon


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