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Finalized Multiple Micro Game Features

Jon Bon


The following blog talks about the map item(s), the run/sprinting, enemy encounter items, and escaping dungeon items.

Over the weekend we were able to finalize how multiple game features work. The following features are completed in their entirety and have been on hold until now. They will be added to the website once a write up for each one is completed.




All dungeons will have a map that can be found inside the dungeon itself. After acquiring the map the player may press the assigned button to bring the map up at any time while not in combat or in the menu screen.

The map will then stay up until the same button is pressed, allowing the player to search while the map is up and visible.

While the map is active, the entire screen is encompassed by it, and the player is displayed by an icon that moves in real time as the player does.



While inside some dungeons and cities, the player will be able to press the assigned button on the controller to activate the sprint function. Then press the same button to return their speed back to normal.

Sprinting will become important during time based challenges, and will be a hindrance when encountering damage terrain.

The world map will have sprinting disabled.


Enemy Encounters

Because experience is not gained in the traditional way, the player will be given the opportunity to buy items that 'repel' enemies(random encounters). The item will fade once X amount of steps are reached after item is used. The steps vary based on item tier.

Dungeon Escaping

Players will be able to buy a 'Wayfinder's Stick' and use the item to be ported to the beginning of most dungeons. This item was added to allow players quick exit when returning to dungeons to explore, or when they have bit off more then they can chew.


Future Mechanics

There are still a few game mechanics and features still needing to be added. These will be mentioned here, and added as completed.


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