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We may have ourselves a composer!

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It's in the title. That would put us up to 8 members thus far.


It suddenly hit me that nobody probably reads these. Not yet...


Anyway... progress is... happening. Yeah.


We are getting some form of *work* done. I'm just waiting for things to pick up a bit.

We're on to items and stuff.


We're also arguing about our main character, and some main points about the plot. We'll reach a decision sooner or later though.


I guess we're not arguing so much as we're debating.


Anyway, that's all that's gone down so far.




The one and only

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It suddenly hit me that nobody probably reads these. Not yet...

I guess this comment proves that theory wrong. I've read your blog entries. Don't worry about view counts or no comments or any of that. Don't let that stop you. Even if one person gets inspired from your blog, then it's worth writing.


Your Entries are interesting because they are about the project. It makes a good log for it. It's thanks to you that it started again as well. Who knows, maybe it will get off the ground this time. We could do with a few more members like you, so keep up the good work.

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I must say I'm a little flattered. I honestly thought I was just gabbing at nothing. Well it's good that someone reads these. Even if they didn't I'd still be at it. I certainly hope we get some more members like me too. Full of vigor, and free time, and more vigor. Much vigor runs through my veins, and sleep deprivation if you hadn't noticed. Well, I'll keep doing my thing. You keep doing yours, and we'll see where that gets us.

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