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Ditching Joomla, new website



Oh hi.


I thought I would update you on the future plans I have for the rmxpu website...


Joomla is great open source software, however it has a several flaws. The main one for me is speed. Joomla tries to accompany everyone and therefore it has far too much unnecessary code and functions, etc. It also has a lot of limitations because you have to use their framework. The user-integration is rather inefficient and there no alternatives (in fact few sites are able to establish user-integration between these softwares).


Speed is a pretty issue at the moment that needs to be addressed:



So we are ditching joomla. Instead I'm going to write the individual sections of the website myself using a very speedy php framework. It's a very quick and powerful framework with few it any limitations.


So what will be the major differences from now? First of all faster and better integrated, but no major differences in function as I already write most of the stuff you see on the website anyway.


To be perfectly honest I have not looked too far into user integration, but I'm 100% confident I can do it. With joomla there are 3 database tables: IPB member table, a joomla member table, and a user map connecting these two tables establishing the connection for integration. Therefore, 14,000 members = 3 x 14,000 = 42,000 database rows. The site will simply use the IPB member table.


Lastly I have an amazing theme-integration idea. IPB and website themes are very annoying - you have to theme both softwares to get them to look the same which poses its own issues and inefficiencies. I plan to load IPB within the websites base template, which would be perfect integration. I haven't figured out how to do it but I believe I will be able to do it meaning when I edit the theme I can alter 1 file which will alter the HTML globally.


It should be good :)


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Yes. Yes yes. YES.


(off topic, yes is a REALLY strangely spelled word when stared at too long :/)


BUT back on topic, from what I have seen, IPB + Php frameworks have always worked fine and fast. (Though I have yet to learn much about databases/php, I can't wait for that part of web tech :D, right now we are just doing intro html which I already know D:)


And interestingly, I have recently switched from Google Chrome to the new firefox, and I now shave easily 2+ seconds from rmxpu load time. (although it seems to load everything faster, and this is difficult for me to admit, being a google fanboy and all D:)


I am sure you will be able to make user integration just fine, and cutting out 2 whole databases I can imagine would be better in more ways than just speed/efficiency.


Can't wait :alright:

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BUT back on topic, from what I have seen, IPB + Php frameworks have always worked fine and fast. (Though I have yet to learn much about databases/php, I can't wait for that part of web tech :D, right now we are just doing intro html which I already know D:)

Really? Are you familiar with IPB? I actually just want to use IPB primarily for forums, so things like downloads, gallery, etc. should be written on the website. We are more than community :)


I was I took php classes :P i would if my uni had php-specific course. I gotta learn the old fashion way.. :P


@rgangsta: Yeah I know... I will work really hard to fix it!

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So am I :) After making a lot blog entries and posts about my future plans, they all sort of fizzled out. Since I didn't like our current theme, I would rewrite CSS and design components differently, so I need to get the site sorted before I started building it.


I feel like I'm definitely on the right track now. I can write quickly, but this will take time! I need to practice more with the framework before I Start writing, after that I'll begin the new site and then hopefully I'll be able to give you a timeframe :)

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By familiar with IPB do you mean using it or have seen it in use? I have never used it before, but I am *pretty* sure I have seen websites that use IPB + php, and they have always ran nicely. Are you planning on using IPB for the main site as well? I am not 100% sure I have seen THAT done before, but a lot of forums I have seen use IPB + php. My friend (ages back) use to use php and ipb when he was working on someone's forums for sure.


If you could create the main site out with IPB as well I don't see why it wouldn't work really well, it sounds like it would be better integrated anyways.

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If you could create the main site out with IPB as well I don't see why it wouldn't work really well, it sounds like it would be better integrated anyways.

You certainly can, and yes technically it's better 'integrated', which just means I have access to IPB's framework which I don't actually want. It's extremely limited, I tried it out recently. So no I'm not using IPB for the main site. I just want users integrated, and since I'll use the same table as IPB for my members, its not even integration because its the actual account being logged in. I guess you could say I'm just integrating sessions/cookies and using the same accounts :) Luckily IPB has thought of this and offers files which allow you to run functions when it deals with sessions, which is great :)


I'm not entirely sure that you know what PHP is. IPB is written in PHP and therefore cannot run without it installed in your host. I'm not sure how many people are going around with their websites and hooking in their users to IPB's. When I say php framework, its a series of functions and built-in classes that I can use when writing the website which make writing it way quicker and better code. Everything is written in PHP :P Of course in order for any styling and structure you need HTML and CSS, and of course we have a database to store information so we use MySQL in PHP to get it, and finally javascript. That's another issue.. IPB is stupid and uses a stupid javascript framework :pinch: Everyone knows that JQuery is the best javascript framework...


I'm really not a fan of IPB's framework, I find it rather annoying.

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I know of PHP, but that's a better explanation from what i know...so that is why my friend was using php + IPB...because ipb is written in php lol. All i knew about php was that it is a server-side scripting language.


Right now my web tech class is only on HTML/XHTML and we just started in-line CSS *yawn* i wanna start PHP and mySQL and some external/embedded CSS D: I wanna make a website. I kinda already know the syntax of javascript (as when i was messing with Sphere, i had to learn javascript to use it properly; unfortunately for that same reason I am not really that sure on how using it within a website works)


I wonder if we will be touching jquery in web tech... I know we are doing js, but jquery would be cool to learn as well

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I know more JQuery than javascript, despite that making no sense. It's true though, I could write far more in JQuery, probably coz its far easier and just works better. Since you know the syntax, once you realize how it applies to elements and things you will pick up in seconds.


I remember the fist time I tried to php, it was such a fail... I eventually managed to get some array and use a form with if statements so it would print something depending on what you entered in the form. It was so lame I stopped after 1 day :P I pretty much learned what I know by a very slow accumulation of knowledge by doing small edits, followed by small components, followed by increasingly difficult components. Now I'm writing a whole site myself. Screw tutorials, you need to dive right in there and fail before you write some really good stuff.


Too bad this stuff is a hobby. I enjoy it but, I give myself 2 years before I move on from my website days :P Assuming I have my degree by then.

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I am assuming it will be more clear once we move into javascript in my class; There are a lot of things I want to go ahead and learn myself, but i've decided the things that will be taught in school I will leave alone for now.


Screw tutorials, you need to dive right in there and fail before you write some really good stuff.

This is the greatest truth known to man.


I think if you enjoy it you should continue. I'm sure you could easily still work on websites for fun on the side without having to devote as much time/effort to it. Of course, I don't mean to try and tell you what to do :sweatdrop:

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I'm sure you could easily still work on websites for fun on the side without having to devote as much time/effort to it.

Yeah, I'd like to. Ideally, I'll write the website to finally be the way that I've wanted it for a long time. Then hopefully, as we've discussed recently, there will be a lot of growth potential and I can just sit back and relax lol and hopefully never have to do such major reforms in the future.


Sounds like a good idea. Joomla has always been a sluggish software.

Yeah. I'll feel something though, I mean I have found memories of setting it up. I duno if that sounds weird. But like in my final year of high school I'd wake an extra half an hour early to work on it and listen to music on youtube. It was fun :D


Would it be daring to say I would ideally like to create our own downloads manager and gallery? :P Well of course I plan to practice my programming a lot, but these applications are sorta lacking a lot... I particularly dislike the new way the gallery looks and operates. Seems way more inefficient to me, what do you think isaac? And the downloads manager just doesn't really work.

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