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Business as usual

Jon Bon


This blog talks about the final contest for June, fan appreciation/contribution, recent work completed, and future work planned.


At present there are 3 contests going on for the game. The most recent and last planned, is intended for anyone who wants to be able to create content for the game, now can, in the form of sprites(avatars). The contest offers rewards and is extremely easy to enter, no talent or skill needed at all! Details are outlined more in the link provided above.


Fan appreciation is far more finalized now and I(we) will be rewarding ballots to fans and contest winners. Each ballot represents a chance to win something in our swag giveaway, to be held right before game launch. The only thing left to agree on is what to giveaway. There is a survey you can answer to help determine what the best gift would be, located on the swag giveaway page.


The mapping for both Balor Forest and Caves is done, and Nimueh's Cave is almost complete as well. Work has started on spriting civilians and a number of them are complete as well. The event system for map name display is made, and the titles for all made maps are also done. The checklists are now up to date, and the civilian count is now added to the characters lists. The project card is also now updated, however the graphics number has gone down due to a miscount on the number of civilians estimated.


Work is continuing on Nimueh's Cave, inside housing in Camelot, and civilian sprite making. Item and armor is next on the list to be finalized as it will need at least another once over. Hoping to be done the database and mapping for the kit by the middle to end of June and have the game itself started by then.


With a lot of press relation stuff out of the way it is time to return to business as usual, hoping to see some progress leaps and bounds.

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