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Zanime Creation

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Noob Saibot




Well I decided to finally start a community of my own. However it won't be the run of your mill game making community. I have simply lost interest in starting my own game making community and decided that I would do a Anime one instead. Why? I like Anime is the simple answer and probably the only answer I can give. I watch it a lot; at least four times a week (online or, DVD, or TV). Of course this is something I have been planning for 3 months by registering two domain names and paying for them in advanced up to five years. The hosting was also paid in advanced up to 3 years.


I started it using IPB and IP Content, but in the end and after wasting month-in-a-half trying to get it to work as I wanted it I became fed up and decided to try vBulletin. After just 30 min. I was able to do a lot more then I could with IP Content.


Now I am one step closer with the launch of of Zanime and here is a sneak peek at the forum:




More to come as needed.


Noob Saibot

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