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Skin Is Done

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Noob Saibot




Well Zanime's custom skin, created by VB Style is done and uploaded and active for viewing. You can view it live at http://www.zanime.net.forum.php or see the image below. The site and forum are still under development content wise so I suggest waiting on signing up.





Noob Saibot (Gaara, Zanime Forums)

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Looks good so far :) You should in the final release optimize the banner. It loads super slow being 500kb.


I will I have been testing different file formats and .gif seems to be the smallest and with some tweaking it doesn't lose it's sharpness. I will need optimization as I have a auto logo/banner changer (though it should not effect it as it is set to change upon refresh or new page.




Though I think it's your connection as it load quite fast for me. I'll test it and see.




Doing a test it took 5sec to load: http://tools.pingdom.com

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Well 5 seconds is really bad lol. My connection may be a lot slower than yours but gotta design with the intention to suit as many users different specifications as possible. Even if it loads super quick for you, see if you can make it load even quicker. However the banner is pretty simple... you want under 100kb definitely. Also the banner is 1000px wide, and i think they say that 960px will fit 98% of users. I actually made a topic regarding that once on a web dev forum. However you probably don't need to worry about it, I got a low resolution myself and it fits perfectly within my browser for me.

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Nice work. Yup we're depressingly slow and I'm working on that. The thing is that it will take a while to get the stuff im working on released.

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