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That's right. I'm so giddy and excited that I've made TWO POSTS on the SAME SUBJECT in ONE NIGHT! Maddening I'm sure. We're getting ever closer to deciding on a name for our main character (I'm hoping for Minerva). I wish I could've captured the spasm of glee I felt when I found out I was Database Director (although, I expected it). Frankly I just want to type *GLEE* about 30 dozen times, but I'm not that tired or crazy or hamster.....Wait, what? Speaking of hamsters I was almost playing Kirby's Dreamland 3 earlier (it has a giant hamster named Ricky). I prefer Superstar though.


Guess what I just found out, while typing this. It turns out that the Firefox auto-spell checker doesn't count "Superstar" as a misspelled word, but it constantly nags me whenever I spell some english words the Canadian/English way instead of the American way. Well screw you Mozilla!






Aeroplane (<most people I know don't spell it like that, it's just the British I think)


That's all I can think of for now, but there'll be more.


In other news, if you haven't already fallen in love with an anime called Slayers, do it now, do it twice. It's all on Youtube, trust me.


Bloody Firefox doesn't like Youtube, or anime either. The dotted red lines taunt me.


Well I'd best be off to bed. I'll probably transform my Megatron from Beast Wars back into a T-Rex though. He's missing his chest plate. That makes me sad.


Freaking STUPID FIREFOX!! It doesn't like Megatron either. I hope no one out there is taking this too seriously. I don't care that much. I'm just typing compulsively.


Good Night my readers!




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