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New stuff made and new stuff coming

Jon Bon


This blog covers info on; new sprites finished, game dynamic progress, Merlin's mini game adventure, possibility for a behind the scenes on how the game is being made.


New Sprites

Geoffrey of Monmouth, Bayard King of Mercia, Gregory the Knight, and Tom the Blacksmith are finished and visible on the characters section of the official site.


Game Dynamics

Arthur's Expeditions, which will be a set of solo quests that only arthur may undertake is about half way finished in design. It will be a live action jumping style mini game when Arthur must explore unknown regions in order to prove his worth as prince and future king. You will be presented with a display on screen with health that will lower as you trigger traps or are hit by enemies. You must solve the puzzles and reach the end of the dungeon to exit. An example will be included in the Merlin's Mini Game Adventure game spin off, slightly different in design as it will allow the use of magic.


Merlin's magic choices, as you play you will be able to choose which of merlin's spells you use to progress through certain situations, your knowledge on how the spells work will determine how easily you pass obstacles as merlin. An example of this will be included in the Merlin's Mini Game Adventure Game spin off.


Shipping House, will need help and Merlin will be able to pick up some extra coin for delivering packages and letters for them. You will also be able to check for mail sent to your main characters giving you insight on story events. An example of this is included in the spin off.


Customizable/Upgradeable Living Area, will be available in game. An example of one will be shown in the spin off.


Item Combining, will be possible for merlin with the help of Gaius. An example of this will be sown in the spin off.


Item Storage, will be possible for over flow on ingredients. an example of this will be shown in the demo.


Library, will contain knowledge on the land of Albion and the kingdoms within it. You will also be able to answer questions based on passed chapters to recieves prizes and unique insight into story development. An example of this will be includeded in the spin off.


Magic Baubles, will be hidden through out the game and will be able to be traded into Gaius for unique magic items. An example of this is included in the spin off.




Merlin's Mini Game Adventure

Game is approximately 80% complete. Hoping to release by early to mid August.

The game will have minimal to no story line as it will mearly show as an example of game dynamics to be included in the rpg. The only thing not shown will be actual combat, and map travel.


Behind The Scenes

In an effort to show our fans exactly what creating the game entails we are planning a behind the scenes video to show some of the game in the making. The video will cover, the basics on how we are using RMXP, show a bit of the staff at work, and demonstrate a bit of the game dynamics and future stuff being created. This is hoped to launch mid to late August.


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