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Hey all,

So a few days ago, I posted that I'm back for real, and that my life is going better than ever. Some might even say that I'm winning at life right now. Not winning like Charlie Sheen was a few months back (that'd be bad, mmkay?), but winning like the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup back in June jay.gif


Why am I winning? I'm Charlie Sh...wait, no I'm not...I'm just loving life and everything about it!


To sum up the months since March or so:

  • Turned 21 on April 11th: had 3 freaking HUGE beers at the bar with my dad and grandfather, then went to my ex's house (we were still dating at the time) and drank more...after that can't remember much of my 21st birthday
  • The whole relationship with my ex was extremely toxic, and by mid-May, I finally gained a bit of common sense and broke it off with the bitch (after draining my bank account and being miserable for 5-6 long months)
  • Went for my license on June 6, one day before my permit expired, and failed miserably (was super nervous and didn't even make it out of the parking lot before failing)
  • July came around and I was already off more than half my psychiatric meds, and feeling great.
  • August starts...the plan is to drop my meds completely at the end of the month
  • August 17, the day my faith was renewed in a higher power in 2010 after several serious suicide attempts
  • End of August comes...NO MORE MEDS!
  • September 26, met a girl...started talking and found out we have a lot in common
  • September 29, the day I got out of my last hospitalization with a new outlook on life, still off meds
  • October 8, went for my license again...failed again, but will get it next time
  • October 10, returned to RMXPUnlimited

With a few things left out for my own dignity/not quite the things to share on a forum of this sort, that pretty much sums up my life within the past 6-7 months. That girl I met a few weeks ago; we really clicked, and I plan on asking her out tomorrow (she already knows I plan to do this, and she likes me too, so yea...)

Once I have my license (gonna go again later this month), there's not going to be a whole lot else that I could ask for out of life. I wouldn't trade my life for anything now (this was not true AT ALL last year...I just wanted out).


Life is to short to sweat the small stuff, so live it up while you can.

Until next time,

~Steven a.k.a. ShinyToyGuns~

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