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[GDU]One step forward, two steps backwards

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Today, good news, I was finally able to get data from an old(ish) database backup working on the GDU database. This was mainly necessary to create components that will utilize the forums database, and also to write up the CSS and design the forums layout. I want to do something unique for the topic view, rewrite the profile view, and make a decent looking board index.


However, I seem to have run into a problem. There appears to be cracks in what I thought was a perfect template integration system. For some reason, when I uploaded all of the forums, the IPB HTML wasn't generating through the system. It's rather odd because when all of the forums were there (but I couldnt see them due to the permissions not being set) it worked fine, but when I set my permission to view all of the forums, suddenly no HTML output.


I'm not sure what it is at this stage and at 3:16pm I'm giving up and going to bed :P Its a setback but I don't think it will be too difficult to figure and fix. Once I find out why this odd error is happening, its onto the new forum layout, bringing it that much closer to being ready to go live.

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Oh dear, I hate when these kinds of things happen q_q Good luck :D

Didn't take me too long to fix these bugs :D Although It was an intimidating challenge at first.


The theme issue was really strange, the regex wasn't working when I logged in, which is really odd. I changed it and it works just fine.


As for the member integration, I was particularly pleased to get this error fixed. When I first had the memeber integration working, I was using the latest beta of IPB, so when i upgraded to the stable version it wasn't work because when I initizled IPB from the website's index file, it was actually loading IPB's output along with an error. So I worked backwards from that point and found a few lines of code that run an error of the FURL structure is unrecognized. So yeah... all fixed.

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