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We've got ourselves another artist who is also a possible writer. Hopefully she can find the time to help us out in that area. We could really use someone with some writing talent what with Demondaze gone.


The story is managing to slowly chug it's way along.


God Damn! I signed on just to do all of the battley bits, which is the stuff I love, and am good at. Really good at. I'm having to go about and do all of this extra stuff (mostly just the writing). That's the one problem I have right now. The project only moves forward when I work on it. If I'm not working on it, it doesn't go anywhere because I'm doing all of the writing. I'd rather someone else filled in stuff while I wasn't working on it. It would go SO much faster. I'm not too worried about things taking a while, just people losing interest, because that's what seems to happen.




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