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Marks Bloggy

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The Website so far

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I've decided to start making Blog entries for the RMXP Unlimited Website a month into construction.


After seeing the features of the Joomla! software, and the amount of extensions and templates available, I decided to create a website for RMXP Unlimited.


The first job was setup sections. This wasn't so easy because of the release of RPG Maker VX. This meant I had to devide the website into two sections, one for RMXP and one for RMVX. I firstly added the RGSS section for both RPG Makers, and started to add some content to just see what it would like it. It looked pretty good, and all the other members I showed agreed.


For about a month a slowly contructed the "shell" of the site. All the sections, some content so it doesnt look empty, fixing images etc.


After I was decent enough to show the staff, I made a topic in the Staff section and asked for the members ideas and opinions. They did like it enough... although I think some staff weren't entirely keen on the idea.


Originally the idea of the website was to not require registrations to the view the content. Registration was only for when a member wanted to submit his/her own content as I didn't want every member registering twice. Then I stumbled apon an integration script that creates a bridge between Joomla and Invision Power Board(the most useful thing I have come across yet). I couldn't believe it when I logged in from the forum to the website. This opened up a whole range of features. I also found a latest posts, lastest members, and top posters mod, which I managed to fix for the new version of Joomla. There updates were the most important part of the website yet.

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