The beggining, good place as any I guess.
So where to start...I guess with the work I have done on this game so far would be good. This will be a good example of how I will be running this blog. The blog will contain 5 parts per post as such.
Art/Character Design
This is so I can keep people from getting confused, and makes me wait to post until I have enough content to post. I will also post screenshots/relavent links with the tagline if people want to follow along. I will also explain any future goals/plans that I may have during the blog. So without further ado, time to let the cat outa the bag so to speak.
Work Done so Far: Tales of Druidia
To say the coding so far has been a nightmare would be an understatement. Thanks to the help of Kell, Lizzie, Bigace, and Forever_Zer0, I was able to get my bonding script to work correctly without incident so far. It works pretty well, however, since I've split the script up so much, I don't want to pull it all together and just put into one script section.
In other news, I have two incomplete coding projects, one is being put on hold because I lack the experience to complete it. That project is the Equipment Custimization System. I've put it down for now simply because it involves the use of fairly complex arrays which I don't have quite a good grasp of yet. The other project however is the games CMS, which my plans are to have it fully animated, and depending on how organized the final code comes out I may or may not release it.
The current progress so far is a follows: I've got the engine checking to see if the windows current location matches the windows destination, if it doesn't, hopefully it should move whenever it needs to update. I also have the game calculate how far away from the destination the current window is. I'm planning on creating motion blur (if I'm using the correct term... but I don't think it is) where the window starts out slow when moving, then speeds up to about 3 x or y values per frame update, then slows down when it gets to a distance from the destination. Setting the slow down ill be easy, the speed up is going to be hard. I've also tried to get some way to add commands into the script through the initialize, though this may not be the correct way to do this. If it works I'll be happy, if not I'll try another method through a bit more of a complicated array.
Art/Character Design:
So far MolkJones has some ideas as to what the main character will look like, I haven't seen any of the results so far as we've both been faaar to busy with school for our liking. I promise that as soon as I get design art, you. will. know. I'm still strugling as to what I want the other 2-3 characters to look/feel. This probably means that I need more work on the story end and how the races work.
So far I only have the worlds history plotted out, the plan after this is to set up the antagonists driving force from the prolouge. I've also got the basic hook planned out to get the character underway. I've also got basic racial abbilities set up from the prolouge. I've also decided that this game will be the first of 3, though the first story will only focus on the Druidians for now, while the other two games will focus on other races. There will also be design goals associated with these games as I'm ussing these as learing tools.
This section of the game seriously needs some love.... I only have two 'complete' maps, that happen to be the interior of a house.... this part of the game will probably be on hold until the coding and characters get done, depending on which one is done first.
I've added the customization items needed to create unique weapons, which will be dropped by certain monsters. There are a few songs that are in the project from when I was running my linux box, to test the sound and whatnot. So far I haven't touched this end much yet, I will be working on this more often as the WCS comes online and the Storyline take shape.
For those of you who have actually visited my site, I only have one song up, which is what I am currently composing as the main theme. I will compose character themes and dugeon tracks as well as more time is freed up from the code workload.
I may be taking up a part time job soon to try and get a simple laptop for the purposes of doing work on this over the summer when I'm in California, as I won't have access to my desktop while I'm there, if this doesn't work out then I'll be gone the whole summer, with no updates until college starts in August. Until the next update. (I will probably be lazy and not update for a while, depending on the interest in this.)
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