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6/22/12 - Mare Maris is done



The city, Mare Maris. is pretty much done. All i have to do, is add a few more events and stuff, but most of it is finished. This is the biggest town i've ever made at about 12 maps, and i had some help from Jon Bon. The screenshot shows the player exiting the city from the Western exit, and heading towards Dragon Plains.


The city is built next to a beach, and is the capital of the country of Arcatis. There's a port, a market, and the prestigious Maris Acadamy, the rival school of Silverwood Acadamy. The second magic shop is here, (but the 3rd place to buy skills. A witch helps you in the forest tower) as well as a cave that is inaccessible at first, near the beach.


I've also decided that, once im done with the main events, and maps, that i'll work on the side quests and NPCs. That I don't get overwhelmed with this project. I've never worked this hard on any kind of project before, and I don't plan to get lazy like I do a lot of the time.

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Looks great man.

I've also decided that, once im done with the main events, and maps, that i'll work on the side quests and NPCs. That I don't get overwhelmed with this project.

That's very logical.

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