I scoured this site looking for te blog section... Could never find it, Well, now I have found it, I can give y'all a bit more of an introduction to myself.
I'm Pyramid_Head, I shan't give my real name, because, while my internet persona and my real-life persona are completley identicl, I choose to keep them seperate, they're like twins, same idea, different entity... if you catch my drift.
I age a year older on the 4th of July every year.
I've been using RPG Maker and MSPaint since I was about 11/12, though due to... difficulties growing up, I'm not as good at both I should be at this age.
Games are my life, They've kept me going, as far as I'm concerned, to me, games are more important than people XD.
I lack confidence, Well, that is to say I have no confidence, so if I beat myself down, it's not because I'm fishing for compliments... I just don't think that highly of anything I do.
I've ran out of things to say, every now and then I'll post an update in my life, or a complaint about something that bothers me, or a rambling about something that's on my mind. that's all for now.
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