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7/3/12 - Dragon Plains



Finished Dragon Plains, which, as the name, and screenshot suggest, has dragons in it. Every color of dragon has a corresponding element. ie: the green dragon in that picture is earth, and casts "Venom" on you, poisoning you. The attack itself is weak, but it always poisons the target. In the corner of the screen, you can see the wing of a yellow dragon. That one uses thunder magic.


Every dragon has a chance of dropping a dragon scale of its color. Each one has a different effect when equipped to the Accessories slot. ie: Red raises Fire resistance, and increases RES by 1

RES stands for resistance, and is what im using for magic defense.

they all increase at least one stat, and raise resistance of at least one element.

ie: the description for Blue Dragon Scale, is "Raises Water and Ice resistance. INT and DEF + 1"


Dragons are rare enemies, since they are only in Dragon Plains, and there is only one of each type (so you have to exit the map and re-enter if you want to fight one again)

And there are 4 other types of dragons that aren't on this map.

there's the Dark Dragon, which is the first boss, that you fight at the top of Mt. Ater, in that tower,

the Ice Dragon, which you fight in Gelu Caverns,

the Black Dragon, which is in a secret location,

and the White Dragon, the strongest, which is also in a secret location.


The Dark Dragon, drops a Black Dragon Scale, every time, but can only be fought once. The others, can be fought an unlimited number of times. The Black Dragon, like the Dark Dragon, drops Black Dragon Scales of course.


After Dragon Plains, the player has to cross Sabaku Desert, which i was working on as i was typing this.

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This actually is a god gameplay mechanic. Entering and exiting many times to grind, increases time playability and skills which = happy Bob and happy players.

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