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7/25/12 - The Ideas are coming



so i've been coming up with lots of ideas for my games, and, I'm starting to plan out my cutscenes before i get to them, so i already know how some parts of Arcatis will go, even though i haven't gotten to them yet.

also, there will be a part, where you are thrown in a dungeon, and must make your way out without using any magic.

remember when i said that some boss battles will have uncontrollable allies helping you?

well i've decided that there will be about 8 of those. one against the Dark Behemoth mentioned in an earlier entry, one or two against the Black Knights, and 6 in the final dungeon (the last 6)


if anyone knows of a way i can take away certain items and equipment from the player, then give those exact things back later, let me know.


as for what i'm currently working on, Sabaku Desert itself is done, but I still need to make a couple things inside it.

This whole thing is going slowly, and i'm definitely taking my time with it.


hm...I wonder how that script and those sprites are coming...


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