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GDU Stuff



What a busy week. This week I have realized the size of the task I set myself. My boss gave me a fair bit of time off work so I decided to start writing up one of our content sections (which is kinda secret at the moment). It has been a massive task, but I'm reasonably pleased with the results too far.


This particular section is probably going to be 2nd largest/most complicated of the content sections (in alphabetical order so you can't guess which I'm talking about: Audio, Gallery, Games, Scripts/Snippets, Tools, Tutorials), it's probably taken me about 2 weeks now. That's 2 full free weeks without work, so it has taken a big chunk of the little time left of my holiday from uni. That said, I aim to have about 4 of the above content sections up and running by then.


I changed up a few things. The coolest is probably the login popup, which replaces going to the default forums login screen


Not just that, but now wherever you login or logout, you always redirect to the page you were originally on.


I've got a new search bar up in the main menu. That sorta makes 2 searches, but I thought we just had to have a visible input field, because y'know, it's probably way too easy for new users to miss the search icon on the top-right of the screen.


For, GDU seems to be coming together. Our stats suck right now, but the website is coming around. Things are starting to click, and I'm pleased about that. In retrospect I might have done things differently. I disassembled all of the things that made the site unique to continue this GDU project, which has officially turned 2 years old since I first started it. But I think that I just gotta keep writing and developing and it will get easier and easier. I'm creating our unique website with its own systems, and these systems can be implemented quick and easy into new sections, making development far more speedy. An example is the like system, which can be easily plugged into any content section I decide to make. Similarly we an upload system, social media buttons, short url system, etc.


One thing that still worries me is the community and whether or not I can rebuild a team of staff that we used to have. I understand it's not easy for people to follow a vision, so I'm waiting patiently while I develop the site piece by piece for people to see where GDU is going and jump on board with the project and get involved.


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