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Updated "Create a Tutorial" page



The new "Create a Tutorial" page. Previously this page may have bee ambiguous. The reasons for the changes were that someone submitted a tutorial which was written completely into the introduction/description. So it must have looked like this was all there was to the tutorial editing system.


The new page tries to make it obvious that this is the initial step to creating a tutorial. Once you fill out the preliminary details your tutorial is created for you, and you can then start the process of writing it up using the editing system.


The "Create" button has been changed to "Continue" as well. I really want to get the point across that it's here for everyone to play around with. Members of a community like this should be sharing their knowledge, and this is a great tool for that. People just have to step out of the unknown and use something that isn't as simple as a forum topic.


I will try to advertise the tutorials system with the new layout. There are many more specialized areas for little modules all over, so hopefully more people will be checking it out and seeing the beauty of the editing system.


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