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Theme Changer, New stuff Rotator and Engine Links!



This entry is about new changes made recently on RMU.


First up, the color changer. but I've added a new theme (at ShinGamix's request) and I decided I liked it. Thus I've decided to make it the default over the green to hopefully make it more appealing.



Theme's only take minutes to create as I've just changing a few values and a few images. If you guys have any requests I may be willing to make it for you. I do plan on making things more customizable, but I won't be doing too much until I get the site cleaned up. I want some basic things like website width, background uploader (as in your own backgrounds). I also want to lock these things and make them purchasable via points :grin:


Next up is what I call the new stuff rotator.


This will flip through the newest script, project topic, gallery upload and tutorial. And of course the latest announcement will be shown at the side too. I'm thinking of adding a middle button between the arrows there with a downward arrow. It would load say the first 5 recent items or something like that.


Next is the engine links:


Now I know these very links are in the sub menu just above, but they're not obvious enough. And we all how n00b newbies are, so this is just some n00b-proofin'


Is anyone wondering what happened with the VX forums?


Say goodbye to VX! Well not entirely. It's a lower version of Ace and there's no point in keeping the forums around. However, all the content will still be around. We'll still have a engine page, scripts and tuts that people have posted etc. But things like the forums (minus the support) will be gone and the link in the main menu.


This is good measure of comparison in relation to pageviews for our engine pages.


Wow I've been busy today. I also finished moving all the VX tuts to the tut system: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/category/rpg-maker-vx


I cringe to think about how many hours it will take me to do the rest :cry: But it's worth it, coz pplz are on their way and we gotta look presentable :thumbsup:


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