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From: Hulp!



Okay--the caterpillar thing turned out to be much easier than I thought--while what I came out with might not be what most people are looking for, I'm not most people and rather like it--My cat actors now have a seemingly random cluster, switching places as they move, kind of like people do IRL. They seem to have minds of their own, kind of a ghost in the machine--it's hard to describe, but basically I just broke the script in an artistic fashion.... Now for something completely different! Does anybody have ANY ideas on how to restrict the use of items, either based on the actor, or the state inflicted, or something I haven't thought of yet? My thing is, two of my actors are healers and I want to make it so that they are the only ones with access to the medical chest--I can make it so that using an item like a potion doesn't affect certain players, that was just a matter of creating new elements, but they still consume them, and what I really want is for the HEALERS to have to use them on the battlers--which is pointless if the item isn't going to work on the battler--Also I have a gunner who runs out of ammo, and has to buy clips to reload, and I'd like to make it so he's the only one who can use the clips, since other actors can consume them wastefully. Any ideas? Theories? Any input at all would be appreciated!


Source: Hulp!


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