Pathogen, Game Updates and Deadlocked

Hey guys. This blog entry is just to update everyone on what's been going on. Recently I've been pretty busy, but I've managed to squeeze in some work here and there on my ever-building list of projects. So, in this blog entry, I'll be talking about those projects, Deadlocked, and Pathogen, which was a little experimental project I was working on to test some potentially engine-crashing scripting changes, as well as Pathogen's relation to RMU 2.0.
The first thing I should talk about is Pathogen. Pathogen is based in the same universe as Legacy and Hope Afloat, and uses a very much improved engine than you're used to with Legacy. There is not a whole lot I can say about Pathogen, to be completely honest. It's top-secret for the time being, and I plan on releasing a prototype version at the same day as the RMU 2.0 unveiling. The title screen to Pathogen is at the very top of the blog, and is intentionally cryptic as hell. The nursery rhyme "Ring a ring o' Rosies" replaces the options for New Game, Load Game and Exit. There's a huge hint as to one of the key gameplay elements in that, if you can figure it out. Pathogen is a replayable Survival-based game which revolves around random spawns and rooms, with a few different game modes.
I'll also be making a mega-topic soon called Deadlocked, which is the name that all my RPG Maker games will be going under. Essentially everything made by Deadlocked is usually made entirely from me, with the exception of some graphics and scripts. I make quite a bit of graphics, but usually it's the tilesets that I can never get the hang of. Any scripting issues I have I usually ask Lizzie, but usually its a UMS and a Title Script, and the rest is by me. I will be looking for some beta testers, and anybody interested should send me a PM.
So, all that aside, I've also been working here and there on quite a few other projects, and below will be the updates I've been doing to them as of late.

Legacy: Post-Apocalyptic Survival
For the time being, Legacy is on Hiatus while I work on other projects. Legacy was a rather experimental project, mostly focusing around event-based menus and classes. It was also a good way to test a few new engine changes and try to implement voice acting, which got a rather positive response from the community. At the moment I'm thinking of dis-continuing Legacy, as it was an experiment and to see what quality of a game I could make in five days. I guess whether Legacy gets an update or gets dis-continued is based on interest and how much time I can put into it. While I was working on the Hide & Seek update, I ended up working on the Hunter class. Not sure if I showed this image before, but probably not. So enjoy.

Demons: Psychological Thriller
Demons has been coming along quite smoothly, and, although a prologue is complete, my main problem is how damn tedious mapping in VX is, or, moreso, the lack of being able to change tilesets. A short prologue is complete, but that'll only give you five minutes of gameplay or so, so, until I redo all the tilesets for Demons, that's on pause for a short while. I hope that I can get a demo of Demons out by the 1st of June. Above is a teaser drawing that appears between the Prologue and Chapter 1. This will probably become the Chapter image.

Hope Afloat: Post-Apocalyptic Survival/Horror
I know I've been talking about Hope Afloat for a long time now, and there's probably very few of you left on the forum who ever played the original. Maybe a year ago I announced a Remastered version in the workings, since I was very amateur with RPG Maker when I first made it. I've been working to make Hope Afloat as perfect as it ever possibly could, and, hopefully soon, I'll be releasing a demo, which features a full prologue and first location, and should amount to around 20-30 minutes of gameplay, with any luck. There are so many features to Hope Afloat that I'm just dying to show off, but I can't. I might release a few teasers as its demo comes closer, but, for the time being, enjoy a screenie from not even an alpha version of the prologue. You don't play as the main character, immediately, but rather a soldier at a military base. The prologue also acts as a tutorial, and gives a little backstory to the rest of the game.
Anyway, that's all there is to this blog entry. I hope those of you who take the effort to actually read the blog entries any more enjoyed it, and I'll see you guys around.
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