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Might Start Using Again/Game Progress



I might just start using blogs again(last time was in 2009) to give me something to do and maybe a way to keep me working on my game. As you may know im working on a 2d open world game. You can kind of say its a 2d skyrim clone with some more features. In the past few days i been working on refining the systems. I been working on the following in the past few months:

  • Dynamic Rep System - Every action has an reaction. Meaning that if you make enemies with someone chances are that their friend will not like you at all or less depending how well their friends like you. They may even refuse to talk to you. If everyone in the town hates you chances are you may not be allowed into the town for very long and may have to pay to even be there, shops may charge you more, might not be able to do quests till people like you again. But word of your bad rep may get bandits to like you or fear you or even just try to take you out. Now if people like you in the town they may give you gifts, discounts, free places to stay, etc....
  • Resource Collecting - Get dem goods. The resource collecting is about the same as skyrim but slightly more advanced. To be able to collect certian resources better you will need to have the knowledge on how to collect that resource. You still wont be stopped for not knowing to get it but you will be crippled by lots. If you havent learned how to lets say mine iron there may be a small chance of you getting the iron. now if you know how to get the iron(read a skill book) you will always get iron but the higher your iron mining skill is the more iron ore you may be able to find. Each type of resource will have a level that will increase chances of finding more.
  • Crafting - 3x3 Crafting bench(sorry this isnt minecraft)? Crafting will be the same as skyrim in almost every way. Still have a bit to work on this so not to much info as of yet. Only difference between skyrim and my open world game is that you can take apart items for most of your resources back. Since potions are liquids you will only get the vial back(wish i had a way to get vial after using a potion, might try to code in the future).
  • Timed Events - Get your holiday on. I may add timed events for on christmass, thanksgiving, etc... On these days you will be able to find gift boxes, holiday themed armor and weapons, santa O.o, easter bunny!, etc... I will also add other type of events like random events. Maybe the god you chose as your god might abudct you and ask for a favor or throw you in hell for a while if you been bad to that god. When you complete the gods task you may get rewarded with an item, or even a power that you can use for a few hours.
  • Player Home - Home sweet home. You may be thinking "What do i need a home for?". The answer is simple. You need some place to store your stuff so you dont get overweight and crawl like a rock. If i can figure out a way to do this i may add the ability to buy furniture to decorate your home with. Ever thought about running your own guild? Well you can do that also. Just got to find out how in game cause im not going to spoil it for you.

The game is still far from done. I havent even really started the story yet. The game will comprise of islands, 4 main islands with HUGE cities, and many smaller islands with towns and stuff. I plan on having at least 200+ hours of content once the game gets released and plan on releasing free DLC after the game is out.


Hope you enjoyed that huge wall of text and things to come. If you like it please comment. If you wish to suggest something i could do in the game feel free to :) .


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