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Final Fantasy XP: Legend of the Golden Knight (Working title)



I've got another idea for a game, and it involves sorta starting over with FFXP. This game will be completely unrelated to the others except for the Final Fantasy parts.

Just like FFAce, I probably won't work on it much...If I ever start it.


So far I have a basic story and a few characters.

There are a few things inspired by Kingdom Hearts, and probably something else too that I just can't think of...I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago for the first time. Maybe that will inspire something...but I finished watching it a few days ago too.


The characters will have last names for once. mostly because I want their names to have certain meanings...Also there's a General who I didn't want to be named like...General Steve or something stupid like that. He's also one of the main characters.


I think I'm getting better at coming up with ideas for characters and names and stuff :D


Originally I was just gonna call it "The Golden Knight", but realized I could make it into a FFXP game. I'm most likely still going to change the title though.


99% of what I've thought of so far:



Hundreds of years ago, (**Something Bad Happened**)

A Man in a suit of Gold Armor, who could summon a sword out of thin air, saved the world, ended the war


and brought peace, then vanished without a trace.


Ashley, who's parents were killed by (**Enemy in the war**) has decided to join the army on her 18th


birthday (ASAP) to avenge her parents, as well as something else which he gives very little details


about. She is very skilled with a sword, and has a skill that only 6 others have.

During a battle, she meets a man from the enemy side who knows something about her that she doesn't. He


can summon a sword like The Golden Knight, and can control fire.

Her brother is very protective of her and wishes she would just stay home. He's scared to lose any more


of his family and tried to stop her from joining the army. She is the first woman in the army because an


exception was made because of how good she is at fighting.



Looking back on this now I'm thinking it's a little weird, but I don't know, it's a start I guess.


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