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Arcatis II Battle system is done!



Yea, this image has nothing to do with battle, but it's still related to the fact that the LUK stat is finished, which means the battle system is finished, thanks to Metaclaw.


Well...more or less...

The point is, I can finally get started on a demo! I'll need to have it beta tested of course, something I've never done completely and correctly before out of laziness.


But not this time! I've said this before, but this game will be awesome...at least when compared to it's prequel...


There will be:

An item synthesis system of some kind

ATB sideview battle system

Hidden, mini cutscenes

Lots of chests

A quest and achievement system

Secret items only available if you've beaten the first game

Answers to questions you probably have about the story.

A somewhat detailed explanation of how magic works in the Arcatis universe.

An airship of some kind

An explanation for why I've suddenly given Joe a gun when he didn't have one in the first game

A better bonus dungeon than the one in the first game

And some more stuff!


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