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The Legend of Arcatis



So I was thinking the other day...

Something that happened 2000 years ago is going to be remembered differently today. That's just how our minds work. None of us have perfect memories.

And since I already have a partially true legend for the city of Arcatis, and there are 3 different countries in my game, why not make 2 other versions of the legend? Well I did, and all 3 versions of the legend have some truth to them. The truth is not, however, just a mix between all 3. There is a part to the story that no one got right because no one knows about it. It's not just incorrect, it's not there.


I think I may have exaggerated before about the size of the story (of the trilogy as a whole), but It's certainly deeper than any story I've thought of before, although that's not saying much. It feels big to me at least.


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