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Bob Rambles

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So I started playing Xenosaga again



So first of all, some history:

For the few people who might be reading this and probably don't know, Xenosaga is a trilogy of turn-based RPGs created by Monolith Soft and spiritual successor (and technically prequel) to Square's Xenogears. Xenoblade is Xenosaga's spiritual successor and, as far as I know, is unrelated in terms of story.

Due to some...complications, the series was pretty much ruined, possibly worse than Firefly. (at least the 1 season we got was really good...)

Episode 1 is great, but it's clear that it's unfinished. Episode 2 changed too much and in all the wrong ways...it was so bad that almost everyone working on it was fired and they had to bring in a new group for Episode 3 and, as a result, Episode 3 had a completely different battle system, albeit with a few similar mechanics.


As a whole, the series is great, but it has...problems.


One problem is how god damn complicated the lore (if you can call it that) is. You think Kingdom Hearts is complicated? Try reading the Xenosaga wiki and explain to me, in your own words, who chaos, Nephilim, Mary Magdalene, and Wilhelm are in very simple terms.

The main story of Xenosaga at least can be understood pretty well, but there's a kind of...layer...of philosophy and complicated ideas and things based on Judaism and Christianity that just makes my brain hurt.

And I can understand 90% of Kingdom Hearts perfectly. It's only the stupid, convoluted, and just weird time travel "logic" in DDD that I don't get.


Is religious symbolism really symbolism when Jesus Christ himself has his own page on the wiki?




...Anywho...another thing I wanted to talk about was the similarities between Xenosaga and Evangelion.


#1 is possibly the most obvious: Giant mechs. Xenosaga has A.G.W.S (Anti-Gnosis Weapon System)'s, A.M.W.S (Assault Maneuver Weapon System)'s, E.S. (Ein Sof)'s, and various robots. Evangelion has the Evas, which is short for Evangelion.


#2 is religious symbolism. Xenosaga’s, however, actually makes sense, while Evangelion’s seems to have been thrown in just for fun.


#3 An "emotionless" female character. While yes, this isn't very rare in anime, Rei and KOS-MOS both have very good reasons for not having emotions. KOS-MOS's reason is obvious...she's an android. While Rei...



...was created to be a living remote control to replace uncooperative Eva pilots. She can be easily replaced with a clone if she dies.



#4 The existence of mechs that can only be piloted by special people/non-humans.

In Xenosaga, the E.S.'s can't be piloted by ordinary humans. Realians(artificial human), URTV's(artifcial clones of some crazy guy), androids, and chaos all make good E.S pilots. (chaos is the name of a character. His name is never capitalized)

In Evangelion, the Eva's seem to require emotionally unstable teenagers as pilots...


So yeah...

That's all, dood! CsBKQpE.gif

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