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A writer in a dark land

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Don't ask about the title, please...here's what I wanted to say. As of late, I have cut production work on JoH: CoC for certain reasons. They are as follows:


No graphics to finish the game

Writer's Block


The second I find is interesting, as I KNOW what I want to happen, yet I still have writer's block. To quote a famous (sort of) webcomic artists: "I know what I want to have happen next, and yet I still somehow have writer's block? How does that work?!" and also, from the same author "Wanna know how bad it is? This is how bad: 'Hey, I have writer's block. Give me a hammer to break the block! That's how bad! Waaaaa!"


Yeah, so, basically, I have writer's block, and I can't continue at this time...I'm unsure WHY I have it, as I know what I want to have happen. It just...doesn't seem to come out right when I program it in...sorry...I can't release a demo of any sort until I finish the intro, and get a battler for Mike, so, please, if anyone out there can, please supply me one. I have a topic already out there, so, please do what you can.

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This writers block is strange...I have never heard of it before.

With the Unlimited Academy coming soon, and a couple of ideas I have planned for the forum, there should be members who are willing to help with these graphics. Its all a matter of time, but you never what's going to happen.

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