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Let Me Live My Life

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Let Me Live My Life


I walk where my life takes me. Sometimes, I not know the dangers I will encounter. I anticipate them happenin', but have no control over the natural flow. I trip and I fall, but I stand right back, at attention. No sense, of where I proceed. I look left, I look right, I look backwards, I look forwards, I look down. No power to look up, I chose not to believe. That doesn't mean, your not in titled to your beliefs. Just comprehend, if your talkin', and I walk away. It's not against you, it's not against us, it's just me. My view of the world, is always different. I've never met a soul, that could understand. You look at me, I look at you, we look at each other. Our gazes never to be crossed. If our eyes contacted, surely you'd be destroyed. If you seen, the pain, hatred, love, confusion, grudges, and the fires in my eyes. You would know, we are not, one and the same. Don't ever compare, the unknown. My heart, has built a fortress around it. Few have crossed the drawbridge, over the moat, to stand within. Those that have been, in the sacred walls, will never run out of stories. We laugh, we cried, we made fun of each other, we helped each other. We built a bond, that's indestructable. But I still feel, as if they don't know me. Am I shade, set to wonder on my own, lost, tryin' to figure where I am? Why is it when your not around, friends are quick to talk shit? They don't think you'll hear, but the wind, blows whispers. Gentle as a butterfly, it lands in your ear. I've heard every word, you've said, I just chose to be the man. I need not speak no names, you know who I'm talkin' too. Just let me be, let me live my life. Don't tell me I'm wrong, just, let me live my life. I know, I make no sense, but, let me live my life. Let me go, my own way, let me live my life.

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