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Website fixes & forum tweaks

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Auto Welcome PMs

This new modification automatically sends welcoming PM to members upon registration. The PM contains useful links to members' profile settings, rules and guidelines and the welcome forum.


Website Javascript Fixed

The javascript on the website has been broken for months, which has been a complete mystery to me why. There's a million tests I can do to narrow down the problem and nothing worked. By a little bit of luck I found out what was causing it. A module called GTranslate, which allowed the content of the site to be translated by Google, was causing the javascript to stop working. So the translate buttons are removed and the glorious javascript and cool website effects are back :)


To see it action, or what I mean by javascript, hover over 'RMXP' or 'RMVX' in the main menu. The slide-down effects are created using javascript.


Recent Blog Entries Hook

A 'hook' is a little module that fits into one of the forum positions, usually the sidebar on the right-hand side of the forum. There's now a new one displaying recent blog entries. The purpose of this is to promote blog usage and also to get these entries a little more attention :P



Downloads Manager Versioning Control Enabled

Versioning control is allowing previous version of downloads to be saved. For example, upload a demo of a project. If you decide to update your demo, when you edit your file and upload the new file, the old one will be saved and available for download below the main download. I enabled this mainly for RGSS Scripts, in case a previous version is preferred, and generally to store file which may disappear from the net entirely. Here's an example with Guibids battle system:



RGSS Script Archive Fixes & Updates

A little while ago I updated the software that the RGSS Script Archives are made from, overwriting a modified CSS file in the process. I had to boot up my old computer to get the CSS file back from one of my offline test sites. The restored CSS file brings back the icon legend on the left side of category view. The icons serve two functions. 1st, showing the browser what the Script Item contains and 2nd, if the icons are clicked it will take you directly to that feature within the Item. Also on those pages, the old feature of author profile links, also shown below. It's not the best system, you see how it works is the author name of the Script Item is compared to the members Usernames on the forums. If there's a match, the author's name is linked, if not, then it's just plain text. The only flaw is that if someone registered with an identical username to one of our script authors, the author name will link to the wrong profile.



The Archive Stats module has been re-created. The only visible changes are the content put into a table, but the coding has been done over to fit in with the website framework. The output is the same, but its much more efficient. The output is now php and html, where as before it was just printing variables.



RGSS Script Archive Idea

Okay guys, here's something for you to have your own input into.


In the future all members will be able to submit content into the Scripts Archive using a simple form. The Scripts Archive will designed from authors forums topics using the common headers they use in forum posts. For example, Introduction, Features, Instructions, Screenshots etc. So therefore the RGSS Script Archive layout is designed to be more efficient than forum posts by displaying content sensibly and systematically. (convinced yet? :P ). So the idea is to change the User Submitted Scripts so you can only reply to topics, and not make them. After you submit the script, it gets added into the archive, AND a topic is automatically generated into the User Submitted Scripts forum. And therefor every Script Item has a link to a support topic, which is already a feature:



This will fix up the biggest flaw in the scripts archive, no support. Would you guys like to see this idea implemented?

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Recommended Comments

Yay! Updates ^_^ . Also, have you noticed a little error in the Recent Posts were sometimes it will say "From:" and then the title? Yeah, that's all my complaints for now :lol: . Thanks.



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Thanks for the comment Tomo. The 'From' in the recent posts hook is actually not an error...well it sort of is. You see I have the trashcan setting enabled which basically moves all deleted posts and topics to a read-only forum, which i have to set to viewable by admins only. So when posts get deleted, the 'From' will come up. But yeah, members should not see it.

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