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User Stats & Socializing

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Over the past few days I have been working on a new website component. To build on the last announcement, Re-Integration, this component shows what we can do with the integration.


The User Stats component is a fully integrated component using the websites framework and our own website-forum bridge. It contains stats for your topics, polls, posts, profile, reputation and posts. The reason I have been working on it for three days is because, believe it or not, it has over 800 lines of code and nearly 200 variables. So I hope you guys enjoy it.

This was mainly written for the regular members. New members aren't going to get a lot from it as it's going to change until they get a decent few posts under their belt.


I was also going to do stats for the blogs, downloads and gallery, but it takes so long to write that I thought I would just post it now and build on it later if you guys like it. I would also like to hear suggestions about what kind of stats that you want to see about your account, and I'll try and add them in here. And please report any bugs you find, I only tested it with a few accounts.


I am also going to (once i recover from writing this) create a hall of fame stats section where it shows the members with the highest stats. Posts, profile views, downloads, gallery views, most helpful member, etc. All the good stuff.


RMXP Unlimited going Social

The icons in the top-right corner of the website all finally work


We've had youtube for a while now, and going to try twitter. I don't have high hopes for it though, but I'm thinking of having a module on the homepage that shows twitter entries. Just another way to keep users up to date with RMXPU happenings. We'll just see what happens.


Lastly, there is new feature of the website login module, Post Integrity:


It can also be called points per post, but I prefer my subliminal messaged title. :)

Here's the explanation of it from the Points page(you can go there by clicking that question mark beside it):

What is Post Integrity?


Post Integrity is a number, between 0 and 10, calculated from a formula to give your average points earned per post. The formula is: (Total Points) divided by (Total Posts) starting from 28 August 2009. The points system was installed approximately on the 28th of August 2009, so we count your posts since that date(for those who were active on the forums before the points system was installed).

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