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Gahhh!!! Sometimes Visual Basic pisses me off a lot. I make major progress on a downloading queue system and all of a sudden, BAM. Everything goes to h*ll in a hand basket. I have somehow broken half the source to RMXP Pool beta 2 and now I have to redo the entire default GUI (which I had already planned on doing, but not right away). :dragonshock:



On top of this, I've been working on some ArkTek products (can't name them here) and my console game decided to go kaboom too. It was working JUST FINE! :dragonshock:. Now I have to backtrack through 1,000+ lines to figure out where the h*ll I messed up (again). Console applications are so f**king temperamental that it's retarded! *rage face* :angry: :angry: :angry:


At least my other Xeos creations are doing OK, I haven't broken them yet. They're actually coming along in stability (hear that Tatsu? I'm still working some! :dragonwant: )


And now...to conclude my rage post, my phone decided to get no network the other day (all f**king day), and I couldn't call a single person. I was so pissed. This morning, I turn off the phone & back on. Guess what? It f**king works again. :dragonshock:


Life is a b***h sometimes. :dragoninsane:

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I get that sometimes when I am creating apps, but such occurences are very rare for me. This is why I don't use VB, because the apps are on a sort of "premade template", it is a clot harder to have bugs in your app and crashes are extremely rare, even in betas.

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Yes, but templates get you so far. There's a bit of customization that you lose from using templates and preset tools. That's why I love VB.


Anyway, I fixed those problems in RMXP Pool, and now am working on the new GUI. Plus my game is released as a beta, yay!

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