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Final Fantasy: Shoes, glitter and Guns

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This game i am souly working on for my niece and sis :sweatdrop: but the game itself is in the world of my own Final Fantasy Colelction. I have made these FF games in the past:


FF Crystal of Faith - RPG 2003

FF Echo Heart - RPG VX

FF Light of Amayon - RPG 2003

FF Fallen Angel - RPG XP - (Still in development)


And now I have Final Fantasy: Shoes, Glitter and Guns.

Inspired by Bayonetta (my favourite game at the moment) The game centres three women who beat demons and the army of Selro. Defending their home city of Nira, they group together using their unique abilities (Sammie - black Mage, Natalia - Guns specialist and Amelia - Summoner) with their combined powers they unleash hectic blows to the army of Selro but doing so in style. No battle gos undone without the trio looking their best. Equipping your party with essential shoes with unique abilities, and a large varietyu of guns, magic powders and summoning monsters the army has no chance of standing in your way. But when a handsome man and heir to the throne of Selro emerges, the trio are left blinded by love and want him souly for each of themselves.



The game will use the entire soundtrack of Bayonetta. Not the 6 track OST you get with the Climax edition of Bayonetta but i have torrented the entire 5 disc soundtrack you can get in Japan that has every piece of music used in the game including the short tracks used for monmster intros and cutscenes.


So yeah tell me what you think about this concept. The game is already underway in terms of plotting but yeah tell me anything you think would help make the game better as in enemies or enemy names. In addition i would like to say the weapons in the game (including magic and monsters names) are named after sexual and dirty refferences. EG: The Cum Gun - A gun that sprasy a white acidic venom on the enemy thus poisioning it.


So yeah tell me what you think and all that. This game may be for download when its done but at the moment i wanna have a view on peoples thoughts about it.

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I think its sweet that your making a game for your niece and sis. I would make one for my sis but she is evil and doesnt care about anyone but herself and her money. Shes 12 and has $300... Anyway, I like the idea. Sounds pretty fun, also. The title screen looks pretty cool, too. Also, with the guns with dirty names is quite funny, just make sure your sis and niece are either too young to understand what that means or is old enough to not be like "Ewww oh my god you sick perverted bastard"... No offense.


I'd actually like to play this game. If I get some free time from working on all my other projects. When you release a demo I'll clear my squedule to play it. Also, you might wanna post something like this in the Projects and Teams section of the forum.

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