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What is new in my life

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Well, a lot has changed since my last entry. The girl I liked doesn't like me, but I'll get over it. My projects are slowly progressing nicely, with the addition of two more. You might think I'm crazy, and guess what? You are right :alright: . Nah, not really. The two new projects are, as you may have guessed, to do with zombies. One is called "Ending the Nightmare" which is about, as the name says, is the end of the infection on one of the main continents. The main storyline has been mainly completed, just making this very ambitious project will be the hardest part. I'd like to thank Leon for helping me learn scripting; this knoledge will very valuable while making this project. The next project is called "SHAD-E Department", named after a game me and a friend used to play. And, yes, it involves zombies. My friend is helping me make it but we havn't planned too much Storyline-wise. I'll get back to you with more when we develope it more. I'd like to thank Rgangsta for drawing up the characters for use in-game and for title screens, etc..


Life has gotten a lot weirder since the last time I've typed a blog, too. I can't exactly tell you due to its nature (no, it's not illegal or anything. It's perfectly all right) but only a small handful of people actually know.


I'm very happy to say I have finally released Hope Afloat v6; now featuring Engora. Engora, by far, is the largest town so far and features a lot of extra things such as extra missions, extra weapons, etc.. It's taken 3 months due to the fact that I havn't had much inspiration to work on my projects for a while due to troubles with life but thats all behind me now. Just deciding what project to work on is a hard choice now that I can't roll a dice to decide anymore.


Grounded, Hope Afloat's sequel, is coming along very well. I realised recently that, when I released that fixed boat tileset, I can now finally complete the boat for Grounded and the end of Hope Afloat. Does anybody even know why it's called Grounded? Well, it involves a big boat and thats all I can tell you for now. There will be a lot of guessing in between the 2 games when one finished and you wait for the next to make its first release. Don't you just love that? Even know you check the website every hour on the hour waiting for that next one to have a release and, even though you get really frustrated, don't you love the feeling you get when you check the website for the 400th time and then its there waiting for you?


I've finally started doing some work on Alone, again, too. You ever get that thing where you are really badly sick and you eat some food and then you turn off that food for a while? I guess a similar effect is with Writer's Block. I kept trying to work on Alone during that time and I guess, until now, its had that effect. The next room should be ready for release soon.


Best Friends Forever [Remake] has, sadly, had not too much work on it. I work on it when theirs been some personal troubles and such and just need something to escape to and making those little worlds just seem to work. I'll try to make a release next time I can.


There is still a game I have promised not to tell ANYBODY about. Only 2 people know :D . Me, a friend, and the friend who is helping me make it. Both of these people are on the forum, mind you. I can tell you 3 things, however, 1; its not going to be released for quite some time. 2; it will be the full game once its released. 3; It's a horror game.


A Zombie World is coming along very, very slowly. I'm in the progress of adding a heap of new weapons into the system, since you will have a ton of places to visit. Along with mini-games, or more like mini-areas. Well, I hope to make a release soon but I will finish the 1st campaign soon. As I mentioned before, I'm going for a Left 4 Dead kinda feel. A small story at the beginning then its just shoot and slash and stab and kill your way through the hordes of zombies.


There's not too much to say, really. This time I'd like to thank a lot of people. First off, I'd like to thank Polraudio for being cool and always being on MSN. I'd like to thank Nisage for logging onto MSN from time to time and we have some good talks about card games and such. I'd liek to thank Leon for teaching me scripting and always having really good advice when I need it. I'd like to thank Marked for making the forum and being awesome and a heap of stuff like that. I'd like to thank Rgangsta for being a great friend and drawing up those pictures for SHAD-E Department. I'd like to thank RATED-RKOFranklin for being on MSN and helping make that game I can't tell you about. I'd like to thank Kiriashi for being cool and being an awesome mapper, glad to see you online from time to time. I'd like to thank Aqua_Dreams (a.k.a. Bridget) for being my sister werewolf, just kidding, lol. I'd like to thank Kaylen for helping me map for Alone and for being an awesome friend. Who else is there? Well, the rest of the RMXPU Community just for being there and being cool. Take care of yourselves.


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