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Chatroom & Project Card Generator

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Chatroom, the glorious chatroom. Linky: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/chat.html

Its not an IRC, but why are those things so popular anyway? Coz u can access it off the website? I dunno, I don't know too much about that stuff. I'm very anti-social in life and internet. Ok this chatroom has bunch of nice features, but one of the reasons I chose this one is that it's member integrated. When I finally re-integrated the forums with the site I think a lot of members were thinking so what? And fair enough, there wasn't a whole bunch different. That's slowly changing with the stuff I'm starting to create. When you use the chatroom you have your username of course, but guests can also come in and chat as well. But they cannot change their nicknames. And to kill the trollin' guests (if any) you can switch channels which is for registered users only. There's a bunch of other nifty features as well.


Additionally I created my first IPB hook, which displays who are in the chatroom:


I was chatting to Franklin on msn and i said to him, i've always wanted to have the online chat users displayed on the board index, but I have no idea how to do that. As it turns out, that's coz I never tried before :B): Well actually I was astonished when this worked. Now, this hook will only display members active in the last 2 minutes. It quite simply takes your logged time from the database and sees if you've been online in the last 2 minutes.


Project Card Generator

Link: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/project-cards.html

This is my 3rd component developed on the website, and this time it is not user-orientated. This turned out a lot better than I expected. I had the idea and its a great feeling bringing your ideas to life. You know those little things users have in their signatures about the progress of their games? I didn't know what they were called so I just named them Project Cards. This component is cool. You use the form to input the title of your game and the progress of each section of your game, and it will generate an image and the bbcode to use for you. Its cool. Optionally you can choose a theme(most are lame :pinch: ), the URL for your image to link, and you can even upload your projects logo and have it in the image. Heres an example image generated from the form:


The code for creating the bars is quite cool, and surprisingly accurate too. For example, if you enter 55%, you get 6 bars. If you enter 54, you get 5 bars. So it rounds to the nearest 10 and gives a very accurate reading of bars. And then she'll calculate your average percentage and give you an overall progress on your game. It uses really simple code to get the values, the cool thing about it is that it all does it by drawing the image.


Oh, and I should credit Hadriel for the bars. I stole them from his signature on a way cool forum he created and affiliated with us in 2006. Since its like 4 years ago, I think he'll let it slide...




Hope you guys like the new stuff.

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Recommended Comments

I have a couple suggestions for the Project Cards...

  • More themes!
  • Try to make it so that it can be edited without generating a new image every time...pretty sure this is possible.
  • Make it PNG...JPEG hurts my eyes huh.gif

Other than those things, I love it :D Will be helpful once I get more done on my game. happy.gif

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Thank you for the reply! :)


I like your suggestions. Members seem to be keen on submitting themes, so there's a bunch more to come. I also added 2 more today.


A preview of the final image before generation is an interesting idea... of course I would want to do that, I just don't know how. Perhaps ajax? I will have to research it, but hopefully I can get it working!


As for .jpg, I definitely played around with this. I originally used PNGs and the filesize was up around 100kb(depending on the theme). I could decrease the quality, but it ended up being worse the jpg. Since these are made for forums, i made the decision to use jpgs. I think this is the best way to meet in the middle with quality and filesize.



Im also going to try and add some of the user suggested features which include font selection and the ability to upload your own themes.

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