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Menu Integration

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Hey Everyone,


Yesterday I just completed something I've been working on bit by bit over the past week. It is an IPB(forum) hook which completely rebuilds the menu system from the website, one of the most complicated things I have attempted so far.


Here is little preview for those who don't understand. This preview is from my test board on which is an offline server, and I use default installations of each software, so it doesn't look anything like RMXPUnlimited:



The menu works very well, although I am not sure if it is possible to include the same javascripts the website uses(which means no sliding menus).


Since the introduction of the website, there has been a clear division between itself and the forum. To navigate the website you have to go to the homepage first and go from there, and vice versa. What this will do it create a centralized navigational system. Wherever you are on RMXPUnlimited.net, you have the menu system right there and can access all our major locations with one click.


If the new menu gets the go ahead, there will be a major reshaping of the menu items. At the moment the menu completely reflects website pages(except a few), but if on the forums it will need to have forum locations as well. What this means is that website traffic will be abolished. Because the links can only be generated from menu items. If you change a menu item, you change a link, and that means search engines lead potentially members to 404 pages. This is primary concern. However its not the first time I have wanted to change the links on the website, but last time i was too worried of the consequences. But its an impossible system, the menu items need to changed in order for growth. Abolishing the website traffic is a necessary step and an investment for growth.



If you guys have thoughts, leave a comment below :)

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I don't think I could live without sliding menus! :shok:


The dead links also sounds like a problem. The idea of fusing the two denominations of RMXPU sounds pretty sweet, but is it worth it?

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Yes Kiriashi I have been thinking that for a long time. But the point of it is, how the heck are we ever going to grow? With such reasoning, we could only ADD menus on.


However, I'm almost certain I have a solution. Rarely I look at the thousands of website extensions that are available, but I have found a brilliant one. I'm testing it rigorously at the moment on the test board. Get this. With this component i change the urls to anything i want. It will also log every 404 stumbled upon by users, and allows me to redirect that 404 link to the new url. This is absolutely brilliant. This way I can completely rearrange our menus, wait a day or two for the 404s to build up, then redirect each link to the new one.


Put simply, I will redirect every search engine link to the correct page, we will have awesome urls(only an admin would say such a thing) and our menu will operate universally across rmxpunlimited.


:) :) :) :)


Originally I was skeptical about my menu idea and was going to use this to confirm it. Since I have tested my hook and the menu works right out of the box. After my testing and confirmation I can weed out any broken links, this is happening :B):


Then I can work on my super secret project. Its going to be...amazing.

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