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Hey guys,


It's been a while since the last major update, and nothing much has really been happening, so I'll try to write a little insider on what's to come.


First of all is a new, global skin. As I said in my last blog entry, it should be difficult to distinguish the website from the forum. It will also be a completely new look, but this will take some time to develope. I don't necessarily design skins myself, because if someone can do it better, then why do it yourself? Instead I like to get a whole bunch of ideas for other skins and websites, and merge them into a nice looking skin. The current skin for example has parts or ideas taken from at least 4 other skins. I'm going to be going for a gamer looking skin, and multiple banners like we had before(hopefully of VX,DS,XP characters).


Next on the list is a forum restructure. I'm really sorry to say. I keep doing this, but I'm just not happy with whatever forum structure we use. The current system seems to confuse the newbies about where to post support topics, even though there is a category named "Engine Support". The RGSS Scripts category is in hibernation. I would like to expand on Game Development in general, and I don't think we will continue to support RMDS or Indie Game Maker. At least not on the forums.


One thing I would like to have here at RMXPUnlimited is the ability to run without a forum. In fact more guests view the Scripts Archive(on the website) than topics. In the future will have complete sections for projects, project reviews, and scripts. A few days the software I'm going to use to do this released a major upgrade, and it is a very powerful content creation tool. When the projects section is completed, users will of course be able to submit their own projects. One possible feature is to have a topic generated from this, and this is how a project is posted on the forum. At least major topics. There will also be another whole website just for projects, which will be accessible by a subdomain. I won't go into any further detail about these major content sections, but it is the main project for the year.

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