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And we're checking in on day 3 of the Make A Game In A Week (Actually 40 Hours Over Two Weeks) challenge. To recap what's already happened:


I came up with a plot, setting, a full cast of characters, and needed maps for the game, including concept art and plenty of notes. It's a Western romance story, and that's all I'm saying for the moment.


I started to work on the main map, having a lot of hiccups because I had to stop and edit the RTP material to get it to look just right.


I realized that I am going to have to do a lot of meticulous planning before I make much more stuff.


So I'm going to draft some maps. Since paper isn't awesome enough for my purposes, I'm cutting up Lipton tea boxes and using them to draw and make notes on. (Since I'm not actually producing game parts, this doesn't count toward my game-making-time quota.)


I need detailed maps of the rich guy's estate and the gold mine and possibly the gold refinery, as well as rough maps of the buildings in the town. In tiles, I'm going to need to modify the Mine Town houses to get the house styles I need, and if possible add in some Old West decor. For characters I'll have to make a lot of cowboys and a few ladies, and for enemies I need snakes, coyotes, owls, and some other things.


I might even leak some production art while I work on this.

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