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Everything posted by FranklinX

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCI8_Cqqq1w This brings back memories. Did anyone watch the Super Mario cartoons?
  2. Magic Koopa is now up in the gallery! Please test it.
  3. Welcome to the forums! If you need anything else just ask.
  4. You can read the rest at this link. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100824121022.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29 This is great news for HIV carriers. Hopefully they have truly found the cure they've been looking for. To be honest I do not feel sorry for any HIV carrier who gotten the virus by sleeping around with many different people without protection. There are many risks out there. No one should give themselves the ultimate risk.
  5. This is cool! Are you drawing on your computer or is your work hand drawn?
  6. This looks awesome! The custom graphics make your game standout from the rest. Will you be making a trailer soon?
  7. http://www.hotbloodedgaming.com/2010/08/18/man-kills-3-brothers-over-xbox-360/ I don't feel sorry for this guy at all. Him and his girlfriend should have called the cops if they truly believed someone stole their Xbox360. Stealing is wrong, but he went way too far with this. Damn it use your head.
  8. My female dog Sugar gets more action than every guy active on this forum. She has gotten pregnant her first 6 years. Then she stop being a whore and did not have any litters for 3 years. Last Friday...guess what? She had another litter. The only way she is getting pregnant is because sometimes dogs in the neighborhood break free and mate with Sugar. We normally give the puppies away to people. We did keep one of her sons in her second litter and named him Morris. This time we are going to keep one of the 4 puppies. We had girl dogs before and never had to get them sprayed. We now have no choice but to get her sprayed. Thank you Joey for motivating me to make this topic. <_<
  9. FranklinX


    Dogs can be so funny. I don't understand why your dog acted as if he was hurt when he was OK. Odd......very odd. Is your dog related to Brett Favre? Brett is also a great liar.
  10. Not all students live on campus.
  11. This does not work at all. I tried fitting it in and it just won't work. Can someone fix this to make it useable for VX?
  12. This is so cool! I think you should add an arcade to this deal as well. ;)
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYYayepJfws I remember as a kid I was so excited for the Zeo premier! Mando The Machine King became the new main antagonist. I think the Japanese version OHRanger had a much better story.
  14. This is interesting and is different than most Pokemon stories. I am looking forward to your game. May you show some screen shots?
  15. It's been almost a year since my last blog entry. I will try to update more often. :biggrin_002: I can't wait to move back on campus Friday. I missed a lot of my friends who I met last year. They are really cool guys. I bought a lot of stuff to make my dorm room look even better. The funny thing about living on campus is the fact my family lives 20 minutes away. Junior year here I come!
  16. Your forest is very good. It's nice and green. Most importantly it is filled and not empty.
  17. I think tutorials will be better than classes. Tutorials lure people in while classes will intimidate people.
  18. I have seen so much spam that I cannot report it all. I don't want to send all of the staff members tons of PMs.
  19. This looks interesting. What are why fighting in this game?
  20. Go to your resource manger in RPG Maker XP and deport any animation to edit.
  21. Good you have Gimp so we can start. First you need to edit a default animation. Second right click "background" on the menu and click add alpha. Third click U on your keyboard. Fourth select the image, and click enter so now the green background should be deleted with a clear background as gray blocks. Now you just need to add layers for each piece of the animation.
  22. Bump! May someone please help?
  23. First you need to download photoshop or gimp. Now you need to edit one of the default animations. You can use the default animations as a base to place your Bleach animations. It will take some editing and cutting, but it is not hard at all.
  24. Add a Parallax background. It looks weird to have the background to be black when it looks like you are in the sky(vein ladder).
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