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Everything posted by Wyzrd

  1. @Nisage, Resource Analysis is where you post your battlers, facesets, etc. etc. @Crimson, this script, are you wanting help with it, or just to talk about it?
  2. Wyzrd


    IPB is not free under no circumstances, UNLESS, you can find a site where they have servers set up with IPB, where as that site has bought a server license from IPB. But from past experince, those suck. You don't have as much control over them. As far as the MyBB, that I have never used but I can't imagine it being hard at all.
  3. Wyzrd


    I love the new skin. I really don't see to many problems with it yet. On the profile as Crimson said, The Previous fields box is extending outside of its box. The Spoilers need to be re-done, no big issue. Actually I just noticed I have to re-do the images in my sig. But still no big deal. And Crimson, yes IPB cost money. I used to run one, then I switched over to vB. But either way they both cost money.
  4. I agree with everything you said except above quote. You can not look at someone and tell if they have a weak mind or not. I disagree with the sane thing. A perfectly sane person could commit acts of violence if pushed far enough, or under certain situations. I consider myself sane and I have done plenty violent things. But does that make me not sane. NO!.
  5. It is, but unfortunately it's reality. Sooner or later everyone has to wake up to it.
  6. Wyzrd

    Going college

    Have fun with college.
  7. That article is less then a year old, so not really that old. So from what your saying, we should penalize kids for watching TV too? Just as much violence in kid's cartoons nowadays. Sure maybe kids shouldn't get ames. But in this generation kids are gonna get them anyways regardless of the rating. I remember back when Grand Theft Auto: Vice City came out. I really wanted it but I wasn't old enough to get it, and my mom wouldn't get it for me. So I just asked my grandma and she got it. Hell, my grandma even plays it. This a little off topic but its kind of to prove a point. Playing video games you shouldn't is like have sex when you shouldn't. It keeps getting younger and younger all the time. It's not going to stop either, unless you have the time to stand over the kid's shoulder all day every week.
  8. I do not know the penalties here. But I do believe it doesn't matter if the games are sold to the kids or not. If they want the game, their gonna find a way to get it one way or another. Perfect example. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/12/bo...hot_dad_ov.html
  9. You could try adding me too. urboyspyder@hotmail.com because I have a question about that game.
  10. Happy birthday to both of you guys.
  11. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay. I'ma check out that Terraworld game, always looking for games to pass time. I'm about to add you on facebook to. :D
  12. Welcome to RMXPU, enjoy your stay.
  13. You can set teamviewer to where they can't see anything unless you grant them permission to it. So I don't think it's really a big deal.
  14. I know you wasn't, I was jut making sure it didn't sound like I was :P
  15. I wasn't tryna be rude, I'm just saying not everyone has everything handed to them lol :P. I was in high school when I started working. I had to get special permit to. And Joey as far as a car, I don't own one. I used to ride my bike or walk to work everyday of the week.
  16. I got a Wii and PS3, but I had to work for them. I actually went and worked a job lol. It's not like they was just handed to me. I also had a PSP at one point I bought........
  17. Wyzrd


    Then that means I'm doing my job, your the second person to say that to me today :P.
  18. Oh 17, oh 17, how have you been, I been away, but Crimson here today, So I'm here to say, happy birthday, Conquer ya fear, and have a fun year, 'Cuz soon you'll, have been, eighteen, Oh 17, oh 17, how have you been,
  19. Ight, though I'll probably forget by the time I get to it lol. I have a bad memory.
  20. It is downloading as I type this. I will get around to playing it soon because I just recently reformatted my computer and haven't reinstalled all my programs.
  21. Wyzrd


    It's ight Marked, whoever rated you is gonna burn in hell. I rated you a 5 a long time, your a nice friendly admin that helps the site anyway it can.
  22. It is a nice little one, simple not too much to it but it's good.
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