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Everything posted by Csoda

  1. Thanks, you guys helped alot, but im still bumping in to a couple of problems.... im thinking of scatching thw whole thing and like marked said ill try to make a shop based system much like the random battle encounter system. If your still interested iv moved my thred to this link: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=4005#entry32814 Thats you again for the help and support!
  2. On secong thought, could you take out parts from the troop set battle encounter script and make it into a list of ithems/weapons ect? (i think this is what leon actualy meant which is a very clever idea) *EDIT* Sorry for any typos iv been staying up very late working on this project X_x
  3. Exactly what leon said The amount of time to complete that task would kill me, as well if i wanted a repeatable random chest the loot would not change from that chest as the game assigns the chest a random number at the start of the game. i want it so if u go into your data base and see a list of weapons rageing from item 01-99 i want to be able to make it random acording to the veriables wich have already been set in your data base, ill attach some edited screen shots for my ex.
  4. I need to be able to open a chest, or do something and be rewarded with random loot Much like how you can give Gold as a random veriable of X~Y i would like to be able to give times and weapons as veriables of X~Y EX .................................................................................................................................. 01 LSword 02 SSword<________ 03 Lance.................| 04 Axe....................|_____> = [item] random [02] ~ [06] 05 Dagger...............| 06 IceDagger<_____| 07 IceAxe Thanks for the help!
  5. Im tryung to do a system in wich you geat a random ammoun of an item then when you go to the vending machien it will give you an item corisponding to the amount of the item you have, i tried it using the method as shown in my image, can anyone suggest an easier way for me to randomly distibute items? or fix my method?
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