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Dark Den

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Everything posted by Dark Den

  1. Welcome to the forums uhhh.., what should we call you ?
  2. The chat's almost always empty but i guess ill make a habit of going :alright:
  3. This sites getting a lot of new features :alright:
  4. Yay i hope they release a stable version for everyone, it looks realy good and i hope its as good as it looks :alright:
  5. i though you were gone for like 3 days only ?
  6. That zombie song wasnt that bad just not my type
  7. Well heres a kindof bump thing and i just wanted to say i got a new favorite song which is Not Afraid by Eminem, the song is Awesome
  8. Who the hell is the guy in the very first pic of the forst post ?
  9. No one said you couldnt discuss in the spam forum anyways if thi becomes ano spam topic someone can move it elsewhere where our posts count
  10. Wow you posted the whole tutorial here too :shok: Well it is a great tuorial so :alright:
  11. Never knew thaat polraudio reached 1000 before kiriashi, who reached 200 first ?
  12. I thought he said in the middle that it can be done with non xp projects too
  13. I thought the telling you about tutorials was on the other topic ?(request center)
  14. Looks like it's gonna be great game, keep it up Rook :alright:
  15. Ive been above kiriashi before when he was off the site
  16. Dark Den

    Its a cameo!

    I like your drawing style it looks very good and fun
  17. I like digimon way better than pokemon for some reason
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