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totalsticks last won the day on April 17 2010

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About totalsticks

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday 05/21/1985


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  • Gender
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    Nevada (Ne-va-DUH, not Ne-VAH-duh)
  • Interests
    Everything interests me. Even.. :gasp: french toast!


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
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  • Other Skills
    I can fly airplanes.
  • Project(s)
    The Fourth Son

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  1. Well.. it's a shame, and no words can describe how I feel about it other than: Good luck in your future endeavors, and RMXPU will always be near and dear to my heart. Allons-y!
  2. There's so much I would like to see changed, that I couldnt possibly list it all off the top of my head. However, here is a short list of some of the bigger ones I would like. Side/Front View Active Time/Turn Based Battle system with RTP Support for either, and toggleable. Built-In character generator, from frankenspriting to faceset generators. Built-In Story Planner. In short, I'd like to see some things brought in for ease of use, as well as more options available to those who are experts, to more ably customize their game. I've been around RPG Maker since Don Miguel's port years ago, and the problem I have, as I'm sure many others have had, is finding and using resources that are freely available to use, not too commonly used, and fit the theme and feel of the game. So, having some of that automated or simplified would make things much easier for the non-power users of the client. However, I've also seen amazing things done with scripts, and anything to make it easier to use and more streamlined for scripters would be a blessing for all. To me, RMXP was the perfect blend of good and bad. It was balanced to say the least, but it was far from a really polished game development kit aimed at both casual and hardcore game creators.
  3. Ohh, guess I forgot to end my bit with [/end sarcasm] All too often in society, people dont want to take responsibility for themselves, and point the finger at anything and everything they can. That's what I was satirizing. In the end, the only one who can be blamed for the kid killing himself is the kid. He made the conscious choice to kill himself, his parents didnt push him out the window, he opened that bastard up, stepped right out, and plummeted to his pointless demise. Sure, his parents could have influenced him to not commit suicide, but to try to place blame is wrong. I dont know the kid, and I feel no need to get down on my knees, and cry myself to sleep over this, but a human being died prematurely, which is what is sad. As for being "fake" and "ignorant". Who are you to decide who is fake and who is genuine? I think you were a little premature there on your assumption. I said nothing in these two posts that isnt my position on this issue, and while I admit I am ignorant of the pathology of suicidal people, I feel your overall generalization of me being ignorant on the whole issue was wrong.
  4. It has to be the anime creator, I mean.. he knew what this would do to that kid, but he did it anyways. Sad turn of events, but I can see the finger-pointing and accusation-flinging from here. Oh, and no spoiler warning for that article!? The nerve of some people.. >_>
  5. lol, Marked. I agree that Lucas did enough damage on his own to the franchise. Midi-chlorians? Pfft.. Jar Jar Binks? HAH! As for the uncreative bit, perhaps its only uncreative anymore because the market has been over-saturated with generally the same content year after year, after year, after... you get my point.
  6. I have served, and will proudly have my next Rendezvous With Destiny should I get called again.
  7. To be honest, I'm excited, and nervous at the same time. Here you have one of (if not) THE biggest and most iconic franchises in film history, with a deep and rich community in Star Wars. And you have the mass-market family giant of Disney. What I'm excited for, I suppose, is seeing the story continue in an official manner. Sure, there's metric tonnes of media that continue or even pre-date the story itself, but all not necessarily Lucas' vision. Personally, a small part of me died after Episode 3, when you realized that it was going to be the last movie in the series, as Lucas had stated he was no longer going to be working on any more Star Wars movies, and would not be allowing anyone else to as well. Apparently he had a change of heart. Yay!? That brings me to my nervousness. I am concerned, that while Disney does have the ability to turn out blockbusters such as the Avengers, and their numerous Pixar clones, they tend to play middle-field, trying to appeal to the largest audience they possibly can. While that can be great for the pocketbooks, I think its possible that it can compromise the story itself. I could go into great detail about why, but its better to point you to someone else who actually has an article written up on it. Read, if you desire, or not. :) http://tinyurl.com/7a9ou3d TLDR; I love it, I just hope Disney doesnt trample on the story many of us have grown to love, all in the pursuit of maximum profits (which will be enormous enough).
  8. There's a workaround, it doesn't really require you to register, but the link above I think was intended if you were the file host. Instead, if you search for the game name itself, you can get a link to the current version. Hope that helps.
  9. Fact: Your attitude will not get you far on these forums. Fact: Your link was directing me to http://www.4shared.com/login.jsp?sessionUnavailable=1 Fact: I will no longer be bothered with this posting or your game, good as it may have been. Fact: You're welcome.
  10. My primary concern with the legislation out at the moment, is that I am being forced to buy Health Insurance from a Private Company, and if I dont, I get slammed with $500 in taxes. Don't want to pay that because it's ludicrous? Welcome to Federal Prison. I'm all for national healthcare, but lets be reasonable here. As expensive as health insurance is now, wait until those premiums rise because of all the things the insurance companies have to cover. And with that in mind, if you pay thousands a year for health insurance you personally don't need (assuming you are in great health), would it not seem more reasonable to just pay $500 in taxes? I think the whole pill would be a little bit easier to swallow, if say, there was a govt health insurance option. That way I'm not getting the reach-around from some suit so he can go to Baja for his fifth vacation this year, and instead the money I'm paying in, but not using, is being used to help those that are less fortunate. I recall the POTUS comparing Car Insurance and the Healthcare bill, and saying something along the lines of how its just the same, in that you HAVE to have Car Insurance. I dont know about you, but I'm not required to own a car. Hell, I've never heard of Bicycle Insurance. Driving a vehicle (a weapon on wheels) is a privilege, and if you want that privilege, you have to pay the piper. Healthcare is in no way the same, you NEED your health, otherwise you do this thing where you stop living, ah yes.. die. I've given up trying to make sense of it all.
  11. I want a Holodeck already. Other games have gotten so... boring.

  12. Any possibility of uploading this to a site that doesn't require registration for download? Got enough spam in my mailbox already.
  13. Hello, and welcome! I'll be more than happy to take a look at your game.
  14. First time back in a while, and Im already diving head-first into grey-area subjects. Yeay me!

    1. forcebreaker
    2. totalsticks


      The "Rape Porn Illegal; Yes Or No" debate.

  15. Wow, those look great! [fake-troll] Too bad it's obvious they aren't really done with charcoal. They look too good. [/fake-troll] Seriously though, I had to do a double take on the drapery.
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